
0 #7 ROGER HAZELDEN 2019-07-08 10:27
Three if not four times I have tried to submit a report re the sighting of an adult Hoopoe and each time Latvijas putni tells me that my message as been sent, but a drop down box says that the message failed, are you having problems with the site or am I missing something?
Roger Hazelden.
0 #6 Pere 2019-05-16 06:16
Dear Sir
we are 2 Catalan friends who are ornithologists and would like to enjoy your amazing nature while spotting our targeted species. I also manage a birding company around Catalonia ( Although We do not know if there're some birds on passage/last wintering species but we'd like to focus on a list of breeding species such as: Podiceps auritus, Aquila clanga, Crex crex, Strix uralensis, Strix nebulosa, Glaucidium passerinum, Dendrocopos leucotos, Picus tridactylus, Sylvia nisoria, Ficedula parva, Loxia... and the array of Acrocephalus/Locustella/H. icterina. Is there any chance to spot them all in a 2 days tour. Which ones would be your fees?
Thanks! Warm hugs from Catalonia
Pere Alzina i Bilbeny
Environmental consultant/Nature guide
-1 #5 Kolja 2018-02-21 16:30
You should add some info on bird hunting, not only watching.
0 #4 sabine 2017-10-11 11:31
Grūti pārskatāma lapa, ja neesi ornitoloģijas speciālists. Lapa nemeklē pēc nosaukuma, piemēram, vārnveidīgie, zvirbuļveidīgie utml. Kā, lai noskaidro, ja putnam nezini nosakumu.
-1 #3 Stephan Schoech 2017-07-31 00:22
Nice site, thanks! What would make it much better would be a link with descriptions of specific sites with directions etc. I'll be there in a couple of weeks and am trying to get an idea of a few bird-rich sites to visit.
0 #2 Yoav Perlman 2013-08-06 15:51
This is a message for Gaidis Grandāns - I am Yoav Perlman from Israel. Gaidis is supposed to work for us this autumn in Israel. He must contact me ASAP!!! Thanks.
+1 #1 Andis L. 2011-02-16 12:38

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